Contact with Kaua16

Contact with Kaua16

Today, I was searching through the internet, looking for any scary Sonic content to put into my character mod for SRB2Kart, Creepy Quillers, when I remembered that EYX exist and I wanted to check up on its creator to see if he had posted any updates on his EXE. And I was right, he had changed the designs of his two counterparts. I was curious if there was more, so I kept going further into his tweets. To my surprise, he had tweeted about my SRB2Kart mod, showcasing it and telling others about its monthly updates.

I remember seeing Kaua16 posting some fan art over on the SRB2 Discord Servers, so I decided to I wanted to hype him up, along with others, by telling him that his character was already considered from the early days of the mod. I also told him about my struggle when it comes to making up voice lines for the two counterparts of EYX.

He then responded by saying that he was making a mod for himself but gave up on it, however, he would be willing to give me the voice lines, to which I responded by telling him to send them to me in a direct message.

Upon seeing this interaction, I was excited! The creator of EYX was willing to give me the voice lines for his creation! Within minutes I had received all the voice lines for EYX that were intended for his mod, as well as the name intended to put in for the character's files within SRB2Kart.

Later on, he asked me how things were going to play out when it came to including the two counterparts of his creation in Creepy Quillers, I responded by saying that they were gonna be two separate racers for the mod, rather than being paired together for one update or as one racer.

I'll end things here with a response of mine I gave to Kaua16 on how I feel about Creepy Quillers as a whole. Have a good day.



Aspiring graphic designer and cool artist in both digital and pixel art. Is quite fond of collaborating with others whenever they share the same interest. Son of Mr. R
Uncharted Torii Gate